Homebrew Competition

Homebrew Competition Extraordinaire – 2024 BLACK IPA

Homebrewers, Here we go!

Who will stake their claim to fame this year and sell their beer in all of our 7 restaurants in collaboration with Two Chefs Brewing?

We can’t wait and don’t want to keep you in suspense any longer as well;

2024 is all about the black IPA!

Let your taste palette and inspiration run its creative course, so that you can register for the 4th edition of Cannibale Royales Homebrew Competition 2024!

In short;
Create a Black IPA Homebrew:
Develop a unique and well-balanced Black IPA recipe.

• Complete the Form:
Accurately fill out all required fields with detailed information about your homebrew.

• Delivery Deadline:
Deliver your homebrew before September 10th. Schedule your appointment via email.

• Become a Finalist:
Impress the judges with quality and creativity to secure a finalist spot.

First Prize:
Win a professional brewing session with Two Chefs Brewing and sell 2500 liters of your brew at all of our restaurants!

So, put this in your agenda and keep an eye on our socials and website.

Any questions in the meantime? Feel free to send me an email: caroline@cannibaleroyale.nl


Un bisou, Homebrew Team

Register here!

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